Project selection

Short-term power fore­casting at run-of-river power plants - part 1: development

VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH

At the Aus­trian hydro­power plant operator Verbund, a con­ceptual, spa­tially dis­tributed hydro­lo­gical model with a fol­lowing hydro­dynamic module is oper­a­tionally used for the pre­diction of power pro­duced by run-of-river power plants. Potential for improvement was iden­tified espe­cially in times of steeply increasing and decreasing flow rates.

The per­formance of machine learning methods in short-term power fore­casting (up to 4 hours) was determined at the run-of-river power plants Braunau-Simbach (river Inn), Aschach (Danube) and Gre­ifen­stein (Danube). Measured runoff and power values from upstream run-of-river power plants and gauges were used as input for the machine learning models.

The achieved results are prom­ising and the developed machine learning models will be incor­porated into oper­a­tional planning at Verbund after an eval­u­ation phase. The doc­u­ment­ation of the project was pub­lished in the open-assess ÖWAV journal. Link to article

Short-term power fore­casting at run-of-river power plants - part 2: operation

VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH

In this project we applied the developed approach from the pre­vious project (see ref­erence above) on the whole Aus­trian Danube run-of-river power plant chain (10 power plants: Jochen­stein, Aschach, Otten­sheim-Wil­hering, Abwinden-Asten, Wallsee-Mit­ter­kirchen, Ybbs-Persenbeug, Melk, Alten­wörth, Gre­ifen­stein, Freudenau | average total power approx. 1500 MW) and on 7 Inn run-of-river power plants (Oberaudorf, Nussdorf, Braunau-Simbach, Ering-Frauen­stein, Egglfing-Obernberg, Schärding-Neuhaus, Passau-Ingling | average total power approx. 350 MW).

In con­trast to the pre­vious project, not the indi­vidual but the total power of 10 respect­ively 7 run-of-river power plants is fore­casted. This pro­cedure led to a faster project accom­plishment and also to advantages in ini­tial­izing a forecast. Prior to the model training, a pre­par­ation of the provided input time series was con­ducted. The created applic­ation for peri­od­ically cal­cu­lating the fore­casts includes several checks. In case of missing or unreal­istic input values the applic­ation switches auto­mat­ically to a back-up model. In con­clusion, both forecast models for the Danube and the Inn has shown high accuracy in an inde­pendent test period.

Austria-wide pre­diction of runoff characteristics

Uni­versity of Natural Resources and Life Sci­ences Vienna (BOKU), Institute for Hydro­bi­ology and Aquatic Eco­system Management

The aquaZoom project, which was com­mis­sioned by the European Marine and Fish­eries Fund and the Aus­trian Federal Min­istry BMLRT, estimated the nationwide potential for aquaculture flow-through systems in Austria. Inform­ation about runoff char­ac­ter­istics, e.g. average minimum runoff, are not only an important basis for planning aquaculture flow-through systems, but also for various other applic­a­tions. The cal­cu­lation of runoff char­ac­ter­istics is simple if a runoff gauge with a cor­res­pond­ingly long obser­vation time series is in the imme­diate vicinity of the area of interest. However, since the number of gauge sta­tions is limited, baseflow AI was com­mis­sioned to predict six dif­ferent runoff char­ac­ter­istics for approx­im­ately 8000 Aus­trian surface water bodies, including an estimate of the pre­diction uncertainty.

Machine learning methods have often shown sig­ni­ficant improve­ments com­pared to con­ven­tional methods in a wide variety of hydro­lo­gical applic­a­tions. Therefore, after initial tests of several models, we used the XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) algorithm to predict the runoff char­ac­ter­istics. Uncer­tainties in the pre­dic­tions were determined with Quantile Random Forests (QRF). In addition to the data from all pub­licly available runoff gauges from Austria and its hydro­lo­gical upstream regions, we also used a large number of (catchment area) prop­erties with approx­im­ately 90 pre­dictors for training the models.

The applied models achieved with a median devi­ation of around 20% between model pre­dic­tions and obser­va­tions in as ungauged treated basins a high per­formance. Even local arti­ficial char­ac­ter­istics such as the increase in low water flows due to large reser­voirs or the influence of cross-basin water transfers could be repro­duced. Detailed inform­ation and results were pub­lished in the ÖWAV journal. Link to article. Our client has also agreed that the pre­dicted runoff char­ac­ter­istics and the degree of uncer­tainty are pub­licly available free of charge. Link to dataset

“The cooper­ation with baseflow AI solu­tions was very suc­cessful and pleasant. The pro­fes­sional and solution-ori­ented pro­cessing by baseflow AI led to exactly the results that we needed.”

Dr. Florian Borgwardt (Senior Scientist)

Ana­lysis of a chain of flood retention reservoirs

IBL Zivil­tech­niker GmbH

In the catchment area of a river in Amstetten (Lower Austria), four flood retention reser­voirs were built. During the 2020 and 2021 flood events, the two retention reser­voirs located in the lower part of the river exhibited sig­ni­fic­antly dif­ferent beha­viour than those two in the middle part. The reasons could be determined by detailed hydro­lo­gical mod­elling and sys­tematic ana­lysis of measured data.

Based on the findings of the first part, struc­tural and control modi­fic­a­tions were worked out to optimize the retention reservoirs.

EFAS runoff forecasts

via donau – Öster­reichische Wasser­straßen-Gesell­schaft mbH

The pan-European flood warning system EFAS (European Flood Awareness System, spatial cov­erage 5000 x 4750 km, link) sup­ports the EFAS partners with runoff fore­casts for oper­a­tional use. The runoff fore­casts are ini­tialized twice a day and have forecast ranges of +10 days (meteor. forcing ECMWF) respect­ively +7 days (DWD) with a six-hour increment. EFAS fore­casts are provided in binary file format (NetCDF or GRIB).

viadonau invest­igates the pos­sib­ility of using EFAS. Therefore, we were con­tracted to provide the fol­lowing ser­vices: 1) Auto­mated retrieval of EFAS raw data for the rel­evant spatial domain and the last 4 years via API. 2) Extracting and pro­cessing the runoff fore­casts with 40 (ECMWF) respect­ively 28 (DWD) forecast levels per ini­tial­iz­ation date for two loc­a­tions. This step was done by an algorithm including checks for data com­pleteness. 3) Cre­ating the output files with a format suitable for viadonau.

Met­eor­o­lo­gical fore­casts for building automation


As part of the Clean Energy Hack­athon, we developed for STIWA a concept  for the con­tinuous integ­ration of meteroro­lo­gical forecast data into building auto­mation. This enables to optimize the building auto­mation on several levels. For example, the heating / cooling of the building can be con­trolled more effi­ciently and a more accurate peak shifting of the machines would be possible.

Workshop about Machine Learning in Hydrology

Digital Engin­eering – Asso­ci­ation for net­working and sup­porting digit­iz­ation in engineering

The asso­ci­ation “Digital Engin­eering” organizes an annual boot camp to educate young engineers in the field of Data Science and Earth Obser­vation. We were invited to conduct a workshop about Machine Learning in Hydrology. This workshop included the­or­etical as well as prac­tical ele­ments, where the par­ti­cipants were encouraged to optimize the pre­diction of water tem­per­ature of an Aus­trian river with Machine Learning methods using a pre­pared JupyterLab.

“The founders of baseflow AI solu­tions con­ducted a workshop on Machine Learning in Hydrology at the Digital Engin­eering Bootcamp 2022. The complex topic was explained in an under­standable way accom­panied by numerous exer­cises. The high expect­a­tions of our par­ti­cipants were exceeded. We thank Moritz and Christoph for their great com­mitment and hope to welcome them again at our next bootcamp.”

Oliver Konold, BSc (Asso­ci­ation President)

Workshop about Machine Learning in runoff forecasting

via donau – Öster­reichische Wasser­straßen-Gesell­schaft mbH

Machine Learning (ML) models can effect­ively rep­resent complex rela­tion­ships, struc­tures and pat­terns in data due to their internal struc­tural flex­ib­ility and con­sequently their ability to gen­er­alize and transfer learned pat­terns. This flex­ib­ility can lead to clear improve­ments in various hydro­lo­gical tasks.

To order the in-house under­standing at viadonau, two work­shops were con­ducted addressing the topics 1) the­or­etical back­ground of ML, 2) pos­sible applic­a­tions of ML in runoff fore­casting, and 3) current research findings.


Max Preiml, Christoph Klingler, Hubert Holzmann, Petr Licht­neger, Christine Sindelar, Helmut Habersack (2024): Improving the weir oper­ating rules of Lake Mondsee, part I – Hydraulics. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 76(3), 182-192, Link

Christoph Klingler, Max Preiml, Helmut Habersack, Hubert Holzmann (2024): Improving the weir oper­ating rules of Lake Mondsee, part II – Hydrology. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 76(3), 193-202, Link

Wei Zhi, Christoph Klingler, Jiangtao Liu, Li Li (2023): Wide­spread deoxy­gen­ation in warming rivers. Nature Climate Change, 1758-6798, Link (only for per­sonal use)

Hanna Zeit­fogel, Moritz Feigl, Karsten Schulz (2023): Soil inform­ation on a regional scale: Two machine learning based approaches for pre­dicting sat­urated hydraulic con­duct­ivity. Geo­derma, 116418, Link

Moritz Feigl (2022): Machine Learning in Hydro­lo­gical Mod­eling. Dis­ser­tation, Institute for Hydrology and Water Man­agement, Uni­versity for Natural Resources and Life Sci­ences Vienna, 211p, Link

Moritz Feigl, Ben­jamin Roesky, Mathew Her­rnegger, Karsten Schulz, Masaki Hayashi (2022): Learning from mis­takes – Assessing the per­formance and uncer­tainty in process-based models. Hydro­lo­gical Pro­cesses, 36(2), e14515, Link

Moritz Feigl, Stephan Thober, Robert Schweppe, Mathew Her­rnegger, Luis Samaniego, Karsten Schulz (2022): Auto­matic Region­al­iz­ation of Model Para­meters for Hydro­lo­gical Models. Water Resources Research, 58(12), e2022WR031966, Link

Christoph Klingler, Moritz Feigl, Florian Borgwardt, Carina Seliger, Stefan Schmutz, Mathew Her­rnegger (2022): Pre­diction of runoff char­ac­ter­istics in ungauged basins with machine learning. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 74(11), 469-485, Link

Christoph Klingler, Moritz Feigl, Thomas Lins­bichler, Simon Frey, Karsten Schulz (2022): Per­formance of Machine Learning in short-term power fore­casting within a run-of-river power plant chain. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 74(5), 224-240, Link

Paul Omonge, Moritz Feigl, Luke Olang, Karsten Schulz, Mathew Her­rnegger (2022): Eval­u­ation of satellite pre­cip­it­ation products for water alloc­ation studies in the Sio-Malaba-Malakisiriver basin of East Africa. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 39, 100983, Link

Hanna Zeit­fogel, Moritz Feigl, Karsten Schulz (2022): Pre­diction of soil hydraulic prop­erties for the extent of Austria. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 74(3), 166-178, Link

Moritz Feigl, Kath­arina Lebiedz­inski, Mathew Her­rnegger, Karsten Schulz (2021): Machine-learning methods for stream water tem­per­ature pre­diction. Hydrology and Earth System Sci­ences, 25(5), 2951-2977, Link

Moritz Feigl, Mathew Her­rnegger, Robert Schweppe, Stephan Thober, Daniel Klotz, Luis Samaniego, Karsten Schulz (2021): Region­al­iz­ation of hydro­lo­gical models using function space optim­iz­ation. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 73(7), 281-294, Link

Moritz Feigl, Kath­arina Lebiedz­inski, Mathew Her­rnegger, Karsten Schulz (2021): Pre­diction of stream water tem­per­atures in Aus­trian catch­ments using machine learning methods. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 73(7), 308-328, Link

Christoph Klingler, Karsten Schulz, Mathew Her­rnegger (2021): LamaH-CE: LArge-SaMple DAta for Hydrology and Envir­on­mental Sci­ences for Central Europe. Earth System Science Data, 13(9), 4529-4565, Link

Christoph Klingler, Karsten Schulz, Mathew Her­rnegger (2021): LamaH | Large-Sample Data for Hydrology: big data for hydrology and envir­on­mental sci­ences. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 73(7), 244-269, Link

Johannes Peter Koren, Sebastian Hafner, Moritz Feigl, Christoph Baumgartner (2021): Sys­tematic ana­lysis and com­parison of com­mercial seizure-detection software. Epi­lepsia, 62(2), 426-438, Link

Moritz Feigl, Mathew Her­rnegger, Daniel Klotz, Karsten Schulz (2020): Function Space Optim­iz­ation: A sym­bolic regression method for estim­ating para­meter transfer func­tions for hydro­lo­gical models. Water Resources Research, 56(10), e2020WR027385, Link

Christoph Klingler, Mat­thias Bernhardt, Johannes, Wesemann, Karsten Schulz, Mathew, Her­rnegger (2020): Local hydro­lo­gical mod­elling con­taining global, altern­ative data sets. Hydro­logie und Wasser­be­wirtschaftung, 64(4), 166-187, Link

Michael Weber, Moritz Feigl, Karsten Schulz, Mat­thias Bernhardt (2020): On the Ability of LIDAR Snow Depth Meas­ure­ments to Determine or Evaluate the HRU Dis­cret­iz­ation in a Land Surface Model. Hydrology, 7(2), 20, Link

Stefanie Brezina, Moritz Feigl, Tanja Gumpen­berger, Ricarda Staudinger, Andreas Baierl, Andrea Gsur (2020): Genome-wide asso­ci­ation study of germline copy number vari­ations reveals an asso­ci­ation with pro­state cancer aggress­iveness. Muta­genesis, 35(3), 283-290, Link

Mat­thias Bernhardt, Stefan Härer, Moritz Feigl, Karsten Schulz (2018): The importance of Alpine research catch­ments for model eval­u­ation and for the improvement of remote sensing products. Öster­reichische Wasser- und Abfall­wirtschaft, 70(9), 515-528, Link


Moritz Feigl, Christoph Klingler (2024): AI in the sector of water man­agement – Short intro­duction and use cases. 7th Get-together of the group “Young Water Man­agement” from the Aus­trian Water and Waste Man­agement Asso­ci­ation (ÖWAV), Vienna

Moritz Feigl (2023): Aus­trian-wide pre­diction of runoff char­ac­ter­istics with machine learning. Meeting of the Aus­trian Society for Hydrology (ÖGH), When water becomes scarce – science meets practice, Vienna

Moritz Feigl, Christoph Klingler (2022): Machine Learning in the field of Hydrology. Workshop for Digital Engin­eering – Asso­ci­ation for net­working and sup­porting digit­iz­ation in engin­eering, Hirschwang Rax

Max Preiml, Christoph Klingler (2022): Sim­u­lation of water retention by lakes to reduce the risk of flooding – Use case lake Mondsee. DRD22 – Dis­aster Research Days, Innsbruck

Moritz Feigl (2022): AI and machine learning in hydro­lo­gical sci­ences. BOKU Big Data Day, Vienna

Moritz Feigl, Robert Schweppe, Stephan Thober, Mathew Her­rnegger, Luis Samaniego, Karsten Schulz (2021): Catchment to model space mapping – learning transfer func­tions from data by sym­bolic regression. EGU2021 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Christoph Klingler, Fre­derik Kratzert, Karsten Schulz, Mathew Her­regger (2021): LamaH: Large-sample Data for Hydrology in Central Europe. EGU2021 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Moritz Feigl, Ben­jamin Roesky, Mathew Her­rnegger, Karsten Schulz, Masaki Hayashi (2021): Learning from mis­takes – Assessing the per­formance and uncer­tainty in process-based models. KGML21 – 2nd Workshop on Know­ledge Guided Machine Learning, Link

Ben­jamin Roesky, Moritz Feigl, Mathew Her­rnegger, Karsten Schulz, Masaki Hayashi (2021): Learning from mis­takes – Assessing the per­formance and uncer­tainty in process-based models. EGU2021 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Hanna Zeit­fogel, Moritz Feigl, Karsten Schulz (2021): Vari­ab­ility across scales – exploring methods for pre­dicting soil prop­erties from mul­tiple sources. EGU2021 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Fre­derik Kratzert, Daniel Klotz, Martin Gauch, Christoph Klingler, Grey Nearing, Sepp Hochreiter (2021): Large-scale river network mod­eling using Graph Neural Net­works. EGU2021 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Moritz Feigl, Robert Schweppe, Stephan Thober, Mathew Her­rnegger, Luis Samaniego, Karsten Schulz (2020): Auto­matic Estim­ation of Para­meter Transfer Func­tions for Dis­tributed Hydro­lo­gical Models – Function Space Optim­iz­ation Applied on the mHM Model. AGU2020 – American Geo­physical Union Fall Meeting, Link

Moritz Feigl, Stephan Thober, Mathew Her­rnegger, Luis Samaniego, Karsten Schulz (2020): Auto­matic estim­ation of para­meter transfer func­tions for dis­tributed hydro­lo­gical models – a case study with the mHM model. EGU2020 – European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Link

Moritz Feigl, Mathew Her­rnegger, Daniel Klotz, Karsten Schulz (2019): Function Space Optim­iz­ation (FSO): A novel method for estim­ating para­meter transfer func­tions for hydro­lo­gical models. AGU2019 – American Geo­physical Union Fall Meeting, Link


Moritz Feigl (2022): baseflow​.ai: Applying Machine Learning in Hydrology. Aus­trian AI Podcast by Manuel Pasieka, Link to podcast


Christoph Klingler, Moritz Feigl, Florian Borgwardt, Mathew Her­rnegger (2022): Pre­diction of runoff char­ac­ter­istics in ungauged basins in Central Europe with machine learning – files. Version 1.0, Zenodo, Link

Christoph Klingler, Fre­derik Kratzert, Karsten Schulz, Mathew Her­rnegger (2021): LamaH-CE: LArge-SaMple DAta for Hydrology and Envir­on­mental Sci­ences for Central Europe – files. Version 1.0, Zenodo, Link