Data Science & Engineering

tailored to your needs.

  • Decision and forecast models
  • Software devel­opment
  • Stat­istical consulting
  • Engin­eering
  • Water Man­agement
  • Geoin­form­ation systems
  • Work­shops
  • Research and development
  • Decision and forecast models
  • Software devel­opment
  • Stat­istical consulting
  • Engin­eering
  • Water Man­agement
  • Geoin­form­ation systems
  • Work­shops
  • Research and development

baseflow AI solutions

Contact us for an initial, non-binding con­sultancy free of charge.

Why AI?

Effi­cient handling of limited resources and com­pre­hensible decision-making is exceed­ingly important not only for our society, but also for com­panies. At the same time, due to rapid digit­iz­ation the amount of stored data is increasing expo­nen­tially in many sectors.

Arti­ficial Intel­li­gence (AI) methods can be used to identify and gen­er­alize pat­terns in data. In addition, they allow to auto­matize and objectify complex pro­cesses in decision-making. Alto­gether, AI has the potential to achieve sig­ni­ficant effi­ciency increases in many pro­cesses through pre­dic­tions, ana­lyses and automatization.


Decision and forecast models

Machine and deep learning models achieve the highest per­formance in most regression and clas­si­fic­ation tasks. With a suf­fi­cient amount of data, there is great potential for sig­ni­fic­antly more reliable forecast and decision models. Our ser­vices include the full range of the Data Science life cycle:

  • Initial con­sulta­tions and ana­lysis of potential
  • Data acquis­ition and pre-processing
  • Feature Engin­eering
  • Cre­ation of effi­cient data pipelines
  • Model devel­opment based on state-of-the-art methods
  • Imple­ment­ation of Explainable AI (XAI) methods
  • Setup of fail-safe oper­a­tional systems
  • Auto­matic and event-based inform­ation by e-mail / SMS

Software devel­opment

Do you have recurring data pro­cessing tasks in your organ­iz­ation? We can develop cus­tomized software pro­grams that automate tedious manual tasks. In addition, man­datory reports can be created (semi-) auto­mat­ically if Large Lan­guage Models (LLMs) are integrated.

Stat­istical consulting

Stat­istical methods provide objective insights based on data and serve as a basis for answering eco­nomic and sci­entific ques­tions. We have the necessary exper­ience as well as hardware and software capa­cities to be able to carry out big data evaluations.


We have extensive exper­ience in the field of hydro­lo­gical and hydraulic mod­eling – from local to regional scale. Addi­tionally, we offer the fol­lowing services:

  • Inspec­tions and measurements
  • Cal­cu­la­tions in the field of Civil Engin­eering and Water Management
  • Dimen­sioning of hydraulic structures
  • Retention studies
  • Flood emer­gency plans
  • Variant studies and optimizations

Water Man­agement

Water is one of the most important resources. However, it is often not available uni­formly in time or space. Climate change is leading to further changes in this aspect. We are able to provide 1) a data-based eval­u­ation of the current situ­ation or the water foot­print, 2) demand assess­ments, 3) event and risk ana­lyses and 4) recom­mend­a­tions for necessary actions.

Geoin­form­ation systems (GIS)

In addition to the standard GIS work such as digit­iz­ation, map cre­ation and eval­u­ations, we also offer to auto­matize work­flows. This allows to perform many GIS applic­a­tions sig­ni­fic­antly faster and in a stand­ardized way.


You and your team would like to learn more about the back­ground of the fre­quently used terms “AI” or “Big Data” in an under­standable way? We offer cus­tomized work­shops that include the­or­etical and prac­tical ele­ments. Oppor­tun­ities for in-depth dis­cus­sions and, if necessary, concept devel­opment regarding the use of AI for your applic­a­tions emerge thereby as well.

Research and development

Are existing methods and approaches insuf­fi­cient for solving your business prolems or sci­entific ques­tions? We can conduct applic­ation-ori­ented research and devel­opment with a focus on the interface between data science and envir­on­mental tech­nology. Our ref­er­ences contain a list of our sci­entific pub­lic­a­tions and contributions.

Addi­tional services

We are also a cer­tified engin­eering office spe­cialized in cul­tural engin­eering and water man­agement and are therefore allowed to rep­resent your pro­jects at author­ities and courts.

Espe­cially in the case of AI ser­vices, some pro­viders often promise a lot. We can assist you in the ten­dering and awarding process to avoid unpleasant sur­prises. Fur­thermore, we are able to provide in-depth expert reports in all service areas listed above.

baseflow AI solutions


CEO and project handling

DI Dr. Moritz Feigl

PhD at BOKU Vienna on the subject of “Machine Learning in Hydro­lo­gical Mod­eling” in 2022. Research asso­ciate at the Institute for Hydrology and Water Man­agement at BOKU Vienna since 2018. One-year research stay at the Uni­versity of Calgary, Canada 2018/2019. Con­sultant for Stat­istics at the Cancer Research Center of the Medical Uni­versity of Vienna in 2018. Bachelor’s and master’s degree in Civil Engin­eering and Water Man­agement at BOKU Vienna, as well as bachelor’s degree in Stat­istics at the Uni­versity of Vienna. Student assistant at the BOKU institute for stat­istics and the institute for hydrology and water man­agement in 2016/2017. Ref­er­ences

DI Christoph Klingler

Passing the qual­i­fying exam­in­ation for engin­eering offices in fall 2023. Research assistant at the Institute for Hydrology and Water Man­agement at BOKU Vienna since 2020 with a spe­cial­iz­ation in effi­cient data handling and machine learning. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree of Civil Engin­eering and Water Man­agement. Study visit to Svalbard, Norway in 2018. Pro­fes­sional exper­ience at con­sulting offices for auto­mation tech­nology, civil engin­eering and sur­veying in 2014 to 2019. Gradu­ation of tech­nical college for elec­trical engin­eering with focus on power engin­eering and indus­trial elec­tronics in 2014. Ref­er­ences

Advisory Board

DI Dr. Mathew Herrnegger

Senior Sci­entist, Institute for Hydrology and Water Man­agement, BOKU Vienna

Univ​.Prof. Dr.
Karsten Schulz

Pro­fessor, Institute for Hydrology and Water Man­agement, BOKU Vienna


baseflow AI solu­tions GmbH
Burggasse 58/12A
1070 Vienna

Data Science & AI Con­sulting